Articles Categorized: Middle School


最近,18名中学生在新罕布什尔州的怀特山脉开始了Waynflete的冬季冰雪项目(WISP)的第二次迭代. Guided by experts like Stephanie Dolan and Dr. Susana Hancock ’03, the group explored the realms of...

Making Data Visible: A “Collaboration of Change” Project

八年级学生在第一学期参加了新月海滩州立公园的社区服务项目. 学生 collected more than 1,100块垃圾,并将他们的发现编目在缅因州关于海洋污染的国家科学报告中. In their Visual 艺术...


Arthur Anderson, Ph.D., 新英格兰大学考古学副教授, 最近访问了bet365官网,帮助六年级的历史系学生开始他们的模拟考古挖掘. Student groups were given a bin of soil (or layers...


来自Revision Energy的Phil Coupe最近拜访了七年级学生,教他们缅因州不同的行业,为即将到来的历史单元做准备, 缅因州工业的过去和现在(本单元将以七年级的主题“探索家园”为基础)....

Empowering Middle School voices: the return of student council

Middle School student council has returned! Spearheaded by Middle School Dean of 学生 John McDevitt, 学生会是中学生分享见解和发展基本领导技能的机会. 13 representatives—one from each homeroom—were elected by...

Dr. Nnedi Okorafor brings stories to life at Waynflete

学生, 教师, and community members were inspired, 娱乐, 并被周一晚上对获奖作家劳伦斯博士的采访所感动. Nnedi Okorafor. Dr. Okorafor谈到了她作为尼日利亚移民女儿的经历, her process as a writer, 她对...


最近,六年级的学生根据在美索不达米亚单元bet365官网的知识,在新月沃土建立了自己的城邦. They were given access to the food, 资源, transportation, and tools that would have been available during this time period...

A night to remember: Waynflete’s first Friday Night Lights game

祝贺bet365官网的女子大学足球队在第一场《bet365官网》比赛中以9比1大胜Sacopee Valley! It was an incredible evening for our community as families, 校友, 教师/staff, and other Waynflete community members—more than...


It's Waynflete's birthday! 为了庆祝bet365官网的125周年校庆,bet365官网举办了一个创始人日庆祝活动,为所有的学生和员工都准备了纸杯蛋糕. Did you know that Waynflete's founders, Agnes Lowell and Caroline Crisfield, sold the school to a newly formed corporation...


祝贺参加上周缅因州青少年古典联赛春季大会的初中和高中拉丁学生! 学生们庆祝他们对拉丁语的热爱,并在比赛中与来自全州的其他学生交朋友...


祝贺bet365官网的高中和中学团队在上周末的缅因州科学奥林匹克竞赛中取得了令人印象深刻的胜利! Waynflete's two Upper School teams, captained by seniors Maren Cooper '23 and Reed Robinson '23, earned top three finishes...


波特兰舞台剧公司上周为整个中学演出了莎士比亚的《bet365官网》的删节版! 2002年的迈克尔·迪克斯·托马斯导演了这部剧,15岁的埃利奥特·奈饰演布鲁图斯. Theater 8 students participated in a director's lab workshop...

Stellar performances from Waynflete musicians

Last week at Waynflete was a musical one! 周三,bet365官网举办了两场精彩的独奏会,2-11年级的学生在bet365官网优秀的浓缩音乐老师的指导下接受了私人课程. 周四,来自五个不同乐团(原声乐团)的70位音乐家...

Thematic studies drives new Middle School curriculum planning

Despite all its harm, 新冠肺炎大流行促使许多学校管理人员和教师探索教学创新的新机遇. At Waynflete, 中学主任Divya Muralidhara寻求新的想法,使学校6-8年级的课程更加跨学科,...

Chinese language students celebrate the Chinese New Year

中国新年或春节是中国最重要的节日. 今年是兔年,庆祝活动于1月22日(星期日)开始. bet365官网的学生花了一个星期的时间在中学语文课上bet365官网这个节日的传统. ...

Seventh-graders collect data on intertidal crabs

七年级的学生最近参观了东区海滩,收集潮间带蟹的数据. 他们的发现将被添加到其他公民科学家的数据集合中,并用于更好地了解缅因州海岸的螃蟹数量趋势.

Sixth-grade archaeology trip to Broad Cove Reserve

最近,六年级的学生们和考古学家托马斯·贝内特一起参观了王子纪念图书馆和坎伯兰的布罗德湾保护区,以了解贝壳. 学生们通过对发现的蛤壳“铰链”进行计数,为考古记录做出了贡献...

Broad Cove archaeology field trip

As part of their study of archaeology in history class, 最近,六年级学生和考古学家托马斯·贝内特一起参观了王子纪念图书馆和坎伯兰的布罗德湾保护区,以了解贝壳. At the library, students helped contribute to...


大三学生安娜·西格尔最近获得了缅因州自然资源委员会颁发的布鲁基奖, which honor the state's young environmental leaders. 了解更多关于她成为气候正义活动家的旅程,请看最近缅因州bet365官网的简介:...

Outdoor Experience 2022

You never know what Outdoor Experience will bring! While working at 社区 Servings in Boston, our students met Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, 是谁来包装和运送该组织的第1100万顿饭. Ayanna shared some words of encouragement...

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